2018 recap and beyond
2018 was an interesting election year and NORC served you by hosting a debate of the Attorney General candidates, debates on the three ballot proposals and town-hall meetings with many of the candidates. We supported the 11th CDRC and OCRP in many ways including a combined picnic. The current board of the 11th CDRC will have the grand finale of its current term by joining us at our January 24th meeting. We’ve had a strong relationship with those two organizations and although their boards and leadership are changing, ours isn’t. Our board and officers were reelected and will continue inform and involve you with our government and political issues.
On January 24th, we will examine the 14th constitutional amendment. For many years it was taken for granted that a child born in this country is guaranteed citizenship and the “anchor baby” would then grant access for its family to get legal status in the USA. President Trump has challenged this and may end it with an executive order. Does the president have that authority? What is the meaning of the 14th amendment? We will explore this with constitutional expert, Dr. William Wagner.
January is also time to renew your membership which is just $20 per person for an entire year. In addition to supporting NORC it gives discounts to certain events such as our Christmas party. Membership paid on our website is $25.00.